(08) 8322 2792

Music afternoon

Music afternoon

As part of our Music Afternoon, we will be creating and decorating our own musical instruments to take home and using them and the PAHS instruments to create our own music. This group has been designed to help children develop their fine motor, coordination, listening...
Swimming at Noarlunga Leisure Centre

Swimming at Noarlunga Leisure Centre

Our Swimming at Noarlunga Leisure Centre morning will see staff and participants travel to Noarlunga Leisure Centre by public bus from the PAHS Morphett Vale office. Before the bus ride, we discuss how to catch the bus, group norms and how to stay safe. Once we...
Sensory Play at PAHS

Sensory Play at PAHS

Our Sensory Play group will take participants on a sensory exploration adventure, feeling slimes and snow, pebbles and rice and other sensory objects. We will be using our bash and crash spaces and body socks to explore our sensory experiences and expose ourselves to...
Inflatable World Morphett Vale

Inflatable World Morphett Vale

Our Inflatable World morning will see staff and participants walk from the PAHS Morphett Vale office to Inflatable World in Morphett Vale. Before departing the office, the group will discuss road safety and how to stay safe around roads, and set the group rules for...
Minecraft at PAHS

Minecraft at PAHS

Minecraft uses the virtual Minecraft world to facilitate team based activities and individual assignments with a focus on developing and practicing social skills. This group encourages individuals to share their knowledge, skills and ideas in Minecraft with each...