(08) 8322 2792

Meal Time Management and Safe Swallowing

Speech Pathologists have the skills and expertise to complete swallowing assessments and mealtime management plans, assisting NDIS participants and organisations to meet safe swallowing practices.

Dysphagia and Mealtime management

Our speech pathologists are qualified and experienced in diagnosing and managing swallowing difficulties, they do this by:

  • taking a case history
  • examining the participant’s mouth and throat
  • developing a mealtime management plan
  • providing safe swallowing strategies
  • providing recommendations for other assessments e.g., modified barium swallow (x-ray of
  • the swallowing process while the participant is eating or drinking)

NDIS Requirements

In November 2021, the NDIS implemented some changes for people with a disability who have Support Workers assisting them at mealtimes. The standards apply to any participants that:
Require support staff to assist them at mealtimes by modifying food or feeding them.
Participants who have severe dysphagia (difficulties swallowing, eating or drinking).

Our speech pathologists are available to provide assessment, consultation and training to participants and providers. Along with our training packages, we provide, extensive mealtime management resources include our Dysphagia and mealtime management booklet.

Training Packages

Please speak to us about our flexible training packages. Our speech pathologist can provide individualised PowerPoint training to staff on:

  • Defining dysphagia
  • NDIS commission requirements
  • Normal swallow anatomy
  • Signs of swallowing problems
  • How to respond to the signs of dysphagia
  • Role of a speech pathologist
  • Mealtime Management Plans
  • Modified diets and modified fluids and how to test consistency
  • The importance of positioning
  • Oral hygiene;
  • Medications and crushing;
  • Feeding someone safely
  • Risks, aspiration and choking

The NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission has also released a short (1.5hr), free, online e-learning module, called Supporting Safe and Enjoyable Meals. It is self-directed with no trainer, and can be done at any time, by anyone.

Swallowing Assessment and Mealtime Management Booking Form

Speech Pathology Services Required

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