(08) 8322 2792


Allied Health Assistant/Mentor

Maria is a mum of two beautiful teenage children and work at a primary school as an service support officer. Her role at the school is mostly supporting students in our school sensory space, with regulation, social skills, Interoception, Zones of Regulation and many other programs.

She is studying a Bachelor of Disability and Developmental Education as she wanted to better support the students

She has experience working with children who are neurodivergent and first hand experience and knowledge of the effects of Autoimmune Encephalitis and related epilepsy due to her daughter having this condition. She understands the challenges around sensory overwhelm, fatigue and with every ability everyone is unique and has different needs.

Maria love her work supporting kids of all ages and abilities and look forward to mentoring and assisting with school holiday programs


  • Certificate III Education Support.
  • Certificate of Attainment for Teacher’s Aide and Business studies.
  • Understanding Autism, OLT.