Kylie graduated in 2006 from the University of Flinders, post-graduation Kylie lived and worked in Tasmania. Recently, Kylie has returned to her home state of South Australia to pursue her role as a clinical manager at PAHS. Whilst Kylie adores all areas of speech pathology, specifically augmentative and alternative communications (AAC), dysphagia management, and feeding difficulties she is excited to tackle the challenges that come with being a clinical manager. Kylie firmly believes that everyone has a right to live there own life how they see fit, and wants to make a difference in the lives of people who may not be able live how they desire.
Although Kylie has a very busy work life, her home life is as busy with a beautiful daughter and a wonder husband who enjoys camping, getting out when time permits to explore the absolutely stunning scenery Australia has to offer. Camping not only allows Kylie the time to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors, but more importantly allows her to spend precious time with her beautiful family.