(08) 8322 2792

Lego and Board Games at PAHS

Lego and Board Games at PAHS

Our Lego and Board games group will feature a range of structured board games and Lego activities at the PAHS office. This group will see individuals working on a range of fundamental skills, such as fine and gross motor skills, social and communication skills, visual...
Zone Bowling

Zone Bowling

Our Zone Bowling activity will see children and staff travel by private bus to the previously named ‘AMF’ Bowling Noarlunga. Whilst at PAHS, the group will discuss and set group rules and how to stay safe, helping participants to develop their listening and...
Jubilee Park Wooden Adventure Playground

Jubilee Park Wooden Adventure Playground

Our Jubilee Park Wooden Adventure Playground activity will see children and staff travel by private bus to the Wooden Playground at Port Noarlunga. Once there, the group will discuss and set group rules and how to stay safe, helping participants to develop their...
Plaster Fun House

Plaster Fun House

Our Plaster Fun House morning will see children and staff travel by private bus to Plaster Fun House at Brighton. Once there, children will choose from a selection of plaster molds to paint and decorate, helping to improve their fine motor skills. Once finished, we...